W13.1 May27(Mon)


Class, political party, and identity all stratify society in the same way, but this stratification also leads to resource inequality. Social resources have mobility and can be easily promoted from one social class to another. Difficult circulation situations, such as those based on place of birth, are called Casts. For example, the stratification of functionalist paradigms will continuously motivate people to improve themselves, but due to the existence of various social problems, high investment may not necessarily lead to high returns. At the national level, the level of development and income distribution vary from country to country. Core countries focus on capital intensive production with high skills and continuously strengthen their dominant position.

About the points I learned

Social resources are circulating, but with the stratification of classes, it is easy to encounter the problem of class solidification. There may also be income disparities in different regions. Generally, raising the minimum income is a better way.


What other methods can promote class circulation? Can these methods be effectively applied?


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