week13.1--weely blog--LI LINLIN


Various systems of social inequality include inequality in wealth, treatment and responsibility, politics, life and membership. These systems lead to disparities in resources, opportunities, and rights. Social status can be innate (assigned at birth) or acquired (earned through effort), affecting an individual's position in society.

Social mobility, both intergenerational and intergenerational, plays a role in determining social status. The ideologies surrounding inequality range from justifying it as natural to advocating for reducing or eliminating inequality through collective regulation. Economic factors, globalization, and populist movements have also influenced perceptions and experiences of inequality.

The article delves into the many inequalities that exist in society, covering economics, gender, race, age, and health. Among them, social inequality is summarized as inequality in different systems: wealth, treatment and responsibility, politics, life and membership. These inequalities lead to differences in resources, opportunities and rights, affecting the status of individuals in society.

Social class is also an important aspect of inequality, with occupation, income and wealth as the main determinants, dividing the upper, middle and lower classes. Social stratification based on class, race and gender leads to inequality of resources and opportunities.

Of particular concern is the article's reference to gender inequality, highlighting the discrimination and limited opportunities women face in various fields. In addition, the presence of transgender and gender-variant people is also mentioned, revealing widespread cultural and institutional debasement of these groups.

In addition, the article explores issues such as age discrimination, racial inequality, and health inequality. It points out how these inequalities affect the lives and social status of individuals and the challenges faced in addressing them.

Finally, the paper emphasizes the importance of understanding the complexity of social inequality issues and identifies some ways to address them, including quantifying inequality through measures such as the Gini coefficient, and adopting policies and collective actions to reduce or eliminate inequality.

(2)Interesting point:

The article mentions the concept of adultism, that is, discrimination based on age. This form of discrimination may go unnoticed in many societies, but can actually have a significant impact on young and old alike.

(3) Q:

Do you think adultism has a positive or negative impact on society?


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