W13.2 May 31(Fri)-Zhong Qi (종기)


Gender is one of the core issues of sociological inquiry, which covers the roles, status and power relations of men and women in society. Gender is not only a biological difference, but also a social and cultural set of norms and expectations. Socialization plays a key role in shaping gender roles, and social institutions, from families and schools to the media, transmit and reinforce gender norms.

Gender stratification is a form of social stratification that results in unequal access to resources, power and opportunities between men and women. Men tend to occupy a higher social status and economic resources, while women suffer from workplace discrimination, pay gaps and other problems. Feminism and gender theory challenge the traditional concept of gender, vigorously advocate gender equality, and analyze and reveal the root causes of gender inequality.

2.Mention of new, interesting

This paper discusses the diversity of gender identity and gender expression, and emphasizes the importance of understanding gender fluidity and non-duality. This shows the gradual acceptance and tolerance of gender diversity in society.


How does gender stratification lead to inequality in resources, power, and opportunities for men and women?


  1. This stratification manifests in various social institutions, including the workplace, education, family structures, and political systems. Addressing these inequalities requires comprehensive strategies, including policy changes, cultural shifts, and active efforts to dismantle discriminatory practices and stereotypes. Promoting gender equality benefits not only women but society as a whole by fostering a more inclusive, fair, and productive environment for everyone.


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