Summary: Deviance refers to behavior or characteristics that violate societal norms or values. It is relative, as it depends on the specific societal and cultural context. Sociology studies deviance to understand why people deviate from societal norms and the impact of such deviation on society.

Interesting Points:

1. Cultural Differences: Deviance is relative, and the definition of what constitutes deviance may vary across different societies and cultures.

2. Social Control: Society employs various institutions and mechanisms to control deviance, such as family, education, religion, and the legal system.

3. Labeling Theory: Labeling theory suggests that individuals labeled as “deviant” may engage in more deviant behavior as a result of self-fulfilling prophecy.

4. Functionalist Perspective: Functionalist theory posits that deviance contributes to the maintenance of societal functions by emphasizing the importance of societal norms in promoting social cohesion and consistency.

5. Conflict Theory: Conflict theory views deviance as a result of social inequality and power distribution, with certain groups being labeled as deviant to maintain the interests of the ruling class.


1. Socialization of Deviance: How do individuals accept or reject deviant behavior during the socialization process, and how does this socialization process influence the emergence of deviance?

2. Definition of Deviance: Different cultures and societies may have varying definitions of deviance. How does this cultural difference affect the understanding and handling of deviance?

3. Social Response to Deviance: How does society treat and address deviant behavior? How do social control institutions balance punishment and rehabilitation?

4. Impact of Deviance: What are the effects of deviant behavior on individuals and society? What social issues and challenges may arise as a result?

5. Resolution of Deviance: How can deviant behavior be prevented and reduced? What measures should society take to address deviant behavior and its consequences?


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