Week8.1--reading blog--LI LINLIN

 (1) Summary:

This article delves into the concept of politics, the nature of power and authority, and their role in the decision-making process in society. Politics is defined as a process that involves how economic and social decisions are made within groups, usually applied to civil government, but also exists in all other human groups, such as corporations and religious institutions. The article discusses the definition of power as the ability to influence the behavior of others in society, whether with or without resistance. In addition, the article distinguishes between power and authority, which is about the legitimacy and legitimacy of the exercise of power.

It further subdivides Max Weber's three categories of legitimate authority: rational-legal authority, which relies on formal laws and rules; Traditional authority, based on long-standing customs and traditions; And charismatic authority, based on personal charm or supernatural empowerment. These three types of authority explain how power is accepted and enforced in different societies and cultures.

The concept of politics, the types of power, and the diversity of forms of government. First, politics is a broad definition of the socioeconomic decision-making process within a group, not limited to government activities, but also to companies, academic and religious institutions. Then, the paper discusses three aspects of power in detail: political power, authority and violence, and explains three types of authority through examples: rational legal authority, traditional authority and charismatic authority.

The question of the legitimacy of the government's use of political violence and the authority behind it raises a paradox about whether the government's power derives from its right to use violence. In addition, various forms of government, including monarchy, democracy, totalitarianism, oligarchy, and theocracy, are presented, each specifying its definition, how it operates, and historical and modern examples.

The role and influence of political parties in American politics, and how political power is gained and maintained through campaigns and ideology. Overall, the article provides readers with an in-depth understanding of political dynamics, power structures, and different forms of government.

The ideological divide in American politics and how it is fueling social segregation and a crisis of trust. The ideological divide between conservatives and progressives is at its highest point in two decades, leading people to increasingly consider consistency of political views when choosing where to live. In addition, Americans are increasingly inclined to trust information from immediate family, church and friends, and are skeptical of information from politicians, national news media and Internet sources.

This ideological divide is potentially harmful to democracy. In particular, media bias has a strong impact on voters, and those who believe their preferred presidential candidate will win because of media bias are more likely to distrust government and democratic institutions when the candidate loses. This suggests that media targeting specific biases may indirectly erode confidence in democratic institutions.

Social networks and large corporations may be taking advantage of this shift in trust to target ads to users, reflecting deep social and cultural dynamics. These analyses demonstrate the profound impact of political ideological divisions on the fabric of American society and civic trust.

(2) An interesting point :
in the article is to explore the growing ideological divide in American politics, especially how it affects people's choice of residence and sources of information trust. This divide is not limited to individuals' political leanings, but permeates all aspects of daily life, leading people to consider political compatibility when choosing neighbors, which reflects deepening social segregation and polarization. At the same time, the shift in trust from a wide range of public and political information sources to more private and direct connections shows a widespread distrust of official media and political figures.


 What are the long-term effects of such social segregation based on political ideology on community cohesion and social capital?


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