【Week 9.1 April 29(Mon)】——Cheng Yating

1) Summary

It explores the concept of socialization, which refers to the process through which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors of their society. It introduces elements of socialization, theoretical understandings of socialization, and some research examples. After reading, I understand the importance of socialization in shaping individuals' identities, personalities, and social interactions and its role in transmitting culture and maintaining social order. Various agents of socialization, including family, peer groups, schools, media, and religion, influence socialization outcomes. Also, the significance of socialization across the lifespan, from infancy to old age, and discusses the socialization experiences of marginalized or stigmatized groups.


2) Interesting

The concept of resocialization refers to learning new norms, values, and behaviors when transitioning to a new social environment or undergoing significant life changes. Resocialization can occur in various contexts, such as entering a new job, joining a religious community, or undergoing rehabilitation in prison. This highlights the dynamic and ongoing nature of socialization throughout the life course and the capacity for individuals to adapt to new social contexts.


3) Question

How do different agents of socialization interact and intersect to shape individuals' socialization outcomes? For example, in what ways do media and family representations of gender roles reinforce or challenge family socialization messages regarding gender expectations?


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