week4.2–weekly blog—LI LINLIN

1)Summary: Sociology of religion is a subject that studies the origin, daily practice, organization form, social function and religious significance of religion. This Wikipedia article introduces Durkheim's religious thesis, the types of religious organization, the four forms, the types of worship, and the theory of religion.

Based on the research premise of social science, Durkheim believed that religion has the function of maintaining social order and strengthening social strata. It also points out that religion has four important elements: sacred objects, belief ideas, rituals and moral communities.

There are four types of religious organizations: the state church, which is the largest local religious organization and is recognized by the local government; Sect: is a well-established large religious organization, but has no official dealings with the government. There are usually many sects in a country; Small denomination: A religious organization that has split from the original denomination, usually because of ideological disagreement with the original denomination, and the members of the group tend to have high loyalty. New religion: A religious group that is small and difficult to understand by the mainstream of society. Represent new religious beliefs or make innovations in their existing religions.

2)New Knowledge: The types of religion are divided into institutional religion and diffuse religion according to the independence of the group. In the past, I was exposed to the notion that religions are classified by different dogmatic contents.


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