week4-1——weekly blog——LI LINLIN

1)Summary: Sociologists do not study religion to prove, disprove, or normatively evaluate it, but rather to take a relativist view and take a neutral stance on issues. From a faith perspective, the social science study of religion can be challenging because it offers alternative, naturalistic explanations for many elements of religion.

For the study of religion, all the starting point should be the definition of the concept. Three are mentioned in the article, starting with the definition provided by Emile Durkheim, which extends the sacred and profane. Second, social scientists' alternative definition of religion sees religion as any attempt to answer existential questions. A third social science definition views religion as the collective beliefs and rituals of groups associated with the supernatural.

The article roughly divides religious types into churches, sects, religious groups, and cults or new religious movements. It also introduces the five religions that are now designated as world religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism.

Religion is also influenced by other social factors, such as gender, race, class, education, and health. ,

Secularization played a major role in the future of religion.

2)Learn something new: There are two kinds of religious sects. The first of these is between the church and denominations, which arose when the church lost its religious monopoly in society. The other is the newly formed religious community. In the previous understanding, the classification of denominations was not so detailed.

3)Question: Is there a relationship between religion and region?

Because in some countries, there are only parts of the country where religious believers are concentrated. The racial, educational, class differences between them are not great. So the question arises, is religion influenced by region?



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