W4.2 March 29 Shao Tianyi (소염일)


The Free Culture Movement is a movement that promotes free and open content through the use of the Internet and other forms of media.It extends the ideals of the free and open source software movement from the software realm to all cultural and creative works.

In the early days of knowledge sharing, Richard Stallman supported the organization.With the introduction of several licences, including developing countries and sample licences, he withdrew his support.Stallman later restored some support when Creative Commons terminated these licenses.Criticism of the free culture movement comes from copyright supporters.

2.What I Learned

Much of the criticism of the liberal cultural movement came from copyright supporters, who described its supporters as "intellectual property communists."While the movement has led to significant developments in cultural production and technological innovation, it has also hindered some industries that require original production and copyright focus, and unregulated freedom can cause market disruption.The decline in the market share of the news media industry was also blamed at the time on liberal culture, and some scholars even argued that the market itself, rather than liberal culture, was stifling journalism.


The liberal cultural movement is a complex and diverse social movement.It involves free expression, knowledge sharing, cultural innovation and individual rights.In today's information-driven Internet age, how can we justify this freedom, and how can we defend individual rights and freedoms in this digital environment?


  1. We can join or support social movements and organizations for free culture and digital rights. Fight for greater freedom of expression, net neutrality and digital privacy through collective action and petitions.


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