
W15.1 June 10 (Mon) 왕서동WANGRUITONG

  Summary: This passage emphasises the important role of demographic indicators in explaining sociological phenomena. It notes that demographic analyses can provide powerful explanations when studying macro-social events such as war, including possible factors such as increased competition for resources. The article also mentions that demographic research has its origins in the social changes brought about by the scientific and industrial revolutions, in which life tables and censuses were important demographic tools. These tools were not only used for actuarial and life insurance purposes, but also served political purposes, such as the basis for taxation and political representation. The article also points out that although the modern census originated in the late 18th century, similar demographic practices have been practiced for nearly 2,000 years in places like China and Rome. Overall, demographics provide important perspectives and tools for understanding and explaining sociolog

What did I learn from this course?

  First of all, at the beginning of the course, I will think about what the class is about. After a semester of study, I learned a lot.   I learned economic sociology, an in-depth study of the social causes and effects of various economic phenomena. By studying the interaction between economy and society, I am able to understand the influence of social factors such as trust, power, culture and institutions in economic activities on economic behavior, and analyze the sociological explanations of market and non-market economic behavior.I learned the introduction to sociology and mastered the basic knowledge and core concepts of sociology, including social structure, social process and social change. With this knowledge, I am able to analyze and interpret social phenomena, understand the relationship between individuals and society, and how society influences individual behavior through culture, norms, and values.I learned sociological theory and became familiar with various theoretical f

W15.1 6月10日(Monday) JIA YUAN

1、summary  Demography is the study of population dynamics, covering the size, structure, and distribution of populations and their changes due to births, deaths, migration, and aging. By analyzing demographic indicators, sociologists can explain many social phenomena, such as the effect of population growth in European countries on hostilities before World War I. The discipline originated in the 18th century and relies on census and registration statistics. Important indicators include birth rate, death rate and migration trend, and fertility is significantly influenced by education level and development level. Demography explains social structures and patterns through detailed analysis and data. 2、Interesting place The interesting thing about demography is that it reveals the hidden factors behind social phenomena. For example, by analyzing birth and death rates, it is possible to predict future demographic changes and their impact on the economy and society. It can also help us under
 W14.2June7(Fri)xiaoyuantong  Summary  With the continuous progress and development of science and technology, the Internet has brought great changes to people's lives.However, due to the inequality in in information and communication technologies such as the digital divide, information disparities can also arise onThe present information age is the transition from traditional industries brought about by industrialization to information computerization.Internet technology as a disruptive technology is conducive to the creation of new network architectures.In the development of the Internet world, there will be problems such as information theft or information fraud, and there will be the need for government regulation.But the existence of the Internet has also effectively changed people's lives and enriched people's daily lives. About the points I learned  Social networking as a disruptive technology in comparison to the previous culture, science, society and other aspects
 W14.1June3(Mon)Xiaoyuantong Summary  Race and ethnicity are not the same, race is a biological characteristic that can be observed in social life. Although ethnicity also has biological components, sociological factors are more important in determining a person's ethnicity. Citizen nationalism regards the state as a group and is more inclusive. National nationalism has exclusivity, and the state is based on a common ethnic lineage. Therefore, racial discrimination can also occur in society, and when discrimination is supported by the government, it is called institutionalized discrimination. There are even some extreme forms of racial discrimination. About the points I learned  The distinction between race and ethnicity can be distinguished from biological and sociological perspectives. Citizen nationalist countries grant citizenship to any child born within their territory. There are also many ethnic based situations, such as South Korea, which has formed a country with a unified
W13.2 May 27(Mon)xiaoyuantong Summary Because one type of gender member enjoys an advantage or special treatment based on gender, also known as gender stratification. The distinction between genders is usually made in both biological and sociological contexts. Conflict theory, with gender differentiation, focuses on rights and conflicts, constantly evolving in politics and economy. Functional theory is based on biological theory, which suggests that division of labor is effective, but interactionism theory emphasizes the role of culture in gender stratification. The gender gap in many countries is reflected in aspects such as economy, politics, and culture. About the points I learned Gender varies in different aspects due to physiological and social influences. Physiology is mostly divided into males and females, and there are differences in gender division of labor in the family and gender based socialization, as well as differences in gender learning and cognition among individuals.
 W13.1 May27(Mon) Summary Class, political party, and identity all stratify society in the same way, but this stratification also leads to resource inequality. Social resources have mobility and can be easily promoted from one social class to another. Difficult circulation situations, such as those based on place of birth, are called Casts. For example, the stratification of functionalist paradigms will continuously motivate people to improve themselves, but due to the existence of various social problems, high investment may not necessarily lead to high returns. At the national level, the level of development and income distribution vary from country to country. Core countries focus on capital intensive production with high skills and continuously strengthen their dominant position. About the points I learned Social resources are circulating, but with the stratification of classes, it is easy to encounter the problem of class solidification. There may also be income disparities in dif